
2.特斯拉Cybertruck的最强对手——RIVIAN R1T







Q: Michael, an amazing day, a great start alongside Nick Heidfeld, taking second place early on and an emotional scene there on the podium.


Michael Schumacher: Yeah, it's been a very special day and to finish it in this style as we he been doing today, looking at the championship as well, but much more at what's going to hen somehow in future. There's been a lot of discussion for a long time concerning my future and so on and I think all the fans, all the people interested in motor sport, they he a right to he explained to them what's going to hen. I'm sorry it may he taken longer than some of you wanted but you he to sor a moment, and you he to find the right moment and we feel this is the right moment.


To make it short in a way, this is going to be my last Monza race that I'm going to do. At the end of this year, I've decided, together with the team, that I'm going to retire from racing. It has been an exceptional, really exceptional time, what motor sport has given to me in more than thirty years. I've really loved every single moment of the good and the bad times. Those ones make life so special.


In particular, I should thank my family, starting, obviously, with my Dad, my passed-away Mum and obviously my wife and my kids who, at all times, supported what I was doing, and without their support, without their strengths, to survive in this business and this sport, and to perform, I think would he been impossible, and obviously I can't be thankful enough, obviously to my family but also to my mates from the Benetton time and obviously, specially in the Ferrari days when I he made so many friends. I he so many great guys in that team and it has been a really tough decision to decide to not work together at this level with all my friends, my engineers, everybody. They are just so great but one day, the day has to come and I felt that at one point that this is the moment as well as, in terms of timing the decision, I thought that it was fair to find that moment so that Felipe has a chance to decide his future, because I think he is a very great guy. He has been doing a very good job for the team, very supportive, a really great teammate, and there was a moment for him to decide for his future, and there was no point for me to take my decision any later than his decision had to be taken and this was the conclusion.


As well as in a way my future replacement, it's a driver – at some stage the team will tell you – but I was always pleased and I knew a long time ago – to hear that he was the person, and now I would just like to concentrate on these last three wins and finish it in style, and hopefully with the championship, we he made a big step today for that and I really look forward, and I want to thank everybody who has been on my way, or supporting me at all stages. They he been a lot of people. Thank you very much.


Q: I'm sure everybody in Formula One wishes you well on that decision, Michael. Just looking back to this great win today, what were your thoughts when you were behind Kimi in those early stages?

MS: Well, I was hoping that he was stopping a little bit earlier than we would, and so it hened, and the nature of this track is that if you stop earlier you obviously lose out because you run hey against a car which is light, and that was enough to get by.



Q: Thereafter, it looked to be a race you were in control of. A slight moment with Scott Speed, going into the chicane on lap 31, you lost a little bit of time there, but otherwise relatively troublefree.

MS: Yeah. Absolutely.



Q: Kimi, a great start, pressure from Michael in the early stages of the race.

Kimi Raikkonen: Umm. Yeah. The start worked very well. I was a little bit concerned about our starting, because the previous starts hen't been exactly good, but the guys did an excellent job fixing the start system and everything worked well. I had a good start and I was just trying to go as fast as I could before the first pit stop, because I was thinking that they might stop a little bit later, so if I could pull out any gap, any chance we could he to try and fight for a win, but as it turned out, we were not quick enough today. But second was quite easy, so in the end I just slowed down and brought the car home and got second place. Unfortunately that was the maximum that we could he today, but it is still a good weekend.



Q: Robert, on the podium, third place in your third Grand Prix, a fantastic drive, a lot of fuel in the car, and unbelievably quick off the line with your teammate Nick Heidfeld.

Robert Kubica: I'm really surprised to finish third. We knew that we had good tyres this time for the race, not only for qualifying as hened in Istanbul so we were concerned about qualifying, but when we saw that we could be competitive in qualifying as well, and go easily into third qualifying, I knew that we would he quite a consistent car for the race and that's what hened. Good start, unfortunately I locked my wheels in the first corner and I flat-spotted my tyres, so I got a lot of vibration. Then we changed the tyres and it was always a tough race because I had to fight with Felipe and Alonso and also ling doesn't help me because I was the first one of the group who was ling and I always lost a second. Then we just came out of the second pit stop with Fernando, side-by-side. Anyway, he blew up the engine and it was really risky because there was oil. Felipe went through and I think he got a puncture or something and then the end of the race was quite easy for me, just bring the car home and the first podium of my life in Formula One.



Q: Michael, tell us about your mindset now as you look ahead to those three closing races in the championship, now only two points behind Fernando Alonso.

MS: I think it is very easy to say what my mindset is. It's not right to say, I'm more focused than ever because I've always been focused on only one thing once I'm in the car, so it is now. It's a championship which started difficult in the beginning, but we returned to it after another difficulty mid-season and now we are two points behind with three races to go, so if I look back to Canada, nobody would he thought we could be in that position. Now we are, due to some luck, but if you look at the retirements over the year, it's now equal and there we are, so 100 percent focused for the Constructors' and Drivers' championship.

问: 迈克尔,给我们讲讲当你向着大奖赛最后的三站比赛前进时,你的精神状态怎么样。现在,你只比费尔南多-阿隆索落后了两分。




Q: Michael, one of the things I think you like doing most is standing on the top step of a rostrum on a sunny Sunday afternoon, and today was probably one of the best. How are going to give it up?

MS: Yeah, Monza is just unbelievable, always has been very special particularly after the race when all the fans are allowed to celebrate this moment so close to us and with us and due to the nature of the circumstances, it's obviously an unbelievable feeling that I had out there today.



Q: You said to Peter just now that you knew a long time ago who was going to be driving in the team next year, so how difficult has it been for you to make your decision?

MS: It has obviously, naturally, been difficult in a way but at one moment I simply knew that all the effort, all the energy, all the motivation you need in order to be competitive - and that's the only reason I want to be here - I can't see I'm going to he that for further years. It has been such a good time for all this time and there's no point just to hang in there and maybe take away the future of a very young talented driver like Felipe. Obviously my replacement… I was aware of this for quite a long time, but with Felipe it was obviously around Indianapolis that his future had to be decided and I didn't see a reason to just hang in there and maybe take away his opportunity and I believe he's a very talented and great person.



Q: You still he that competitive instinct, how are you going to get rid of it?

MS: Well, we will he to see. I always said that the day I will retire, I will just do nothing for a while and then I will see what I'm doing, what is my mood and what's going to hen, but I will always be part of that Ferrari family, I will he to find out how, but I will always stick with my friends there.



Q: Today's race: in the early stages were you just holding station behind Kimi, were you quite hy with that position?

MS: There isn't much sense to go much closer honestly, because you just start fighting the car much harder for not much gain, so I had to wait close to the pit stop time and then we both picked up the lap times and tried to stay as close as possible and luckily I had two extra laps and that worked out.



Q: No problem with the car today?

MS: No.



Q: How difficult will these future races be do you think, now that you've made your decision?

MS: I think this was my most tough one, in a way but it worked out fine. It's not as if I'm lacking anything to make my decision, and this is the reason for it. I don't want to be going away when I'm well over it and I want to lee while I'm still at the top level, so I don't he any reason to he a problem for the last three races.



Q: Kimi, a little bit disointed?

KR: Yeah, of course you want to win but unfortunately we didn't he the speed today. The car was working well, it was nice to drive but it was just not quick enough to challenge Michael today. Second was easy, but that's not what we want but anyhow it was a good weekend.



Q: And your feelings about joining Ferrari next year?

KR: Of course, it's next year. I want to finish this year as well as I can. I'm hy to join a team with a history and all the great things, but first of all I want to finish this year as well as I can and then see what hens next year.



Q: Robert, what a fantastic result in only your third Grand Prix; could you ever he imagined that at the start of this year?

RK: No. For me it was already a really great opportunity which BMW Sauber ge me to be a test driver, and then, as everybody knows, I replaced Jacques in the Hungarian Grand Prix and this is my third Grand Prix. In Hungary, I scored points but unfortunately our car was too light. Here: podium, which we were not expecting. After qualifying we thought about some points but when you're starting on the third row and you he two Renaults behind you, which are really strong… After the start, I was third I think. I had the Ferrari of Massa behind me and it was not easy to hold him but anyway, I think we had a good strategy, good car and thanks to the team for giving me such a good opportunity and thanks to our guys.



Q: And a big battle with Nick at the first corner?

RK: It was big? After the start, I knew that it was important to go out of the first chicane really well so he went in too quick, I got on the throttle earlier and just overtook him.





Q: (Dan Knutson - National Speed Sport News) Michael, when exactly did you decide to retire?

MS: In Indianapolis.

问:(Dan Knutson - National Speed Sport News)迈克尔,你是在什么时候决定退休的?


Q: (Juha Paatalo – Financial Times Deutschland) Michael, how emotional is this moment for you?

MS: It was obviously pretty emotional to take the lap back after the race. I was talking to my team and informed everybody of my decision and probably this was the most emotional moment along with being on the podium to celebrate and at that moment knowing it's the last opportunity I would he to finish so well with such a crowd with so much they ge to me in terms of their feeling and it just overwhelmed me.

问:(Juha Paatalo – Financial Times Deutschland)迈克尔,此刻你的心情怎么样?


Q: (Juha Paatalo – Financial Times Deutschland) Kimi, can you describe the reasons why you chose Ferrari as your future team?

KR: There are many reasons. I he had five years at McLaren and they are a great team and nice people to work with, but in the end I wanted something else and there were only two choices – to stay with McLaren or to go to Ferrari and for me personally I wanted to go there one day and this was the best moment and I think it is a great team to join and there will be people I will miss in McLaren, but that's how it goes. Sometimes you want something











魔王:「Oh,My God!」


























































































特斯拉Cybertruck的最强对手——RIVIAN R1T














































































神魂合体(第二季) -猿渡忍

北方恋曲(北へ。~Diamond Dust Drops~)-森永真冬

Duel Masters -卡片决斗高手-白凰、白凰之母


水星领航员(ARIA The ANIMATION)-晃?E?法拉利




灼眼的夏娜- 「盛装骑手」卡姆辛?雷布哈乌




双子星公主-夏恩特[希尔杜] /艾克力帕斯[艾克利普斯]




Loveless -青柳立夏

Jinki:EXTEND -メルJ?ヴァネット



水星领航员(ARIA The NATURAL)-晃?E?法拉利

Code Geass反叛的鲁路修-柯内莉亚





奏光之Strain -メルチセデック







格闘美神武龙REBIRTH -曹春扬



M?R -幼いアラン


驱魔少年-アーチ (第32话)


灼眼的夏娜II - 「盛装骑手」卡姆辛?雷布哈乌


Duel Masters -卡片决斗高手-白凰






<<夏目友人帐>> 少女(第3话)

<<药师寺凉子之怪奇簿>>木村 蕙子(第4话)



Code Geass反叛的鲁路修R2-柯内莉亚

TYTANIA泰坦尼亚 米兰达·卡西米尔


毒蛇信条Viper's creed -诺姆(ノーマ)

绝对可怜小孩-泰姆 托已(ティム·トイ)

Pandora Hearts(潘多拉之心)-奥兹·贝萨流士


战场女武神 罗姬

宝石宠物 ドマージョ (魔女)

飞篮扣杀 苏拉修


热带雨林的爆笑生活 Deluxe (由美)

《圣母在上 第三季》有栖川金太郎




蜡笔小新 血雨腥风 光荣的烧肉国王 (天城)

Hurdle (无名氏)

网球王子 二武士TheFirstGame/来自迹部的礼物 (越前龙马)

STRANGER 无皇刃谭 (本酉)


《网球王子 on the radio》越前龙马





《樱花大战 V》萨吉可·华因巴格

(ps Game 详细列表:

2006/02/23 幻想水浒伝V

■主人公 役(他、兼役あり)

2005/12/22 テニスの王子様~学园祭の王子様~

■越前リョーマ 役

2005/11/24 リバースムーン (反转月亮)

■イレス 役

2005/07/28 零~刺青の声~

■黒泽 怜 役

2005/07/28 魔法先生ネギま!2时间目 戦う乙女たち!麻帆良大运动会SP! 银メダル版

■雪広あやか 役

2005/07/28 魔法先生ネギま!2时间目 戦う乙女たち!麻帆良大运动会SP! 金メダル版

■雪広あやか 役

2005/07/07 サクラ大戦V ~さらば爱しき人よ~

■サジータ?ワインバーグ 役

2005/04/21 ロマンシングサガ ―ミンストレルソング 长篇东西业绩-ミンストレルソング

■コンスタンツ 役

2005/03/25 苍い空のネオスフィア

■フェアリ?ハイヤフライ 役

2005/03/17 NANA

■大崎ナナ 役

2005/01/20 魔法先生ネギま! 1时间目 ~お子ちゃま先生は魔法使い!~特待生版

■雪広あやか 役

2005/01/20 魔法先生ネギま! 1时间目 ~お子ちゃま先生は魔法使い!~优等生版

■雪広あやか 役

2005/12/22 幕末恋华 新选组

■山崎烝 役

2005/12/09 テニスの王子様 RUSH&DREAM!

■越前リョーマ 役)


《Captain Hook Love’s Lock》——柴コ




《アニメ店长B' 店长候补生》——夏目修三郎



《Vie Durant》——弥衣











《无限轮回 系列CD》——楠田ゆに

《CODE GEASS反叛的鲁鲁修》——コーネリア·リ·ブリタニア(柯内利娅)

《 A.R.I.A(水星领航员)》——晃·E·法拉利




《素直になれ!》 白马院 梓








法拉利是举世闻名的赛车和运动跑车的生产厂家,总部位于意大利马拉内罗(Maranello),由恩佐·法拉利(Enzo Ferrari)于1947年创办,主要制造一级方程式赛车、赛车及高性能跑车。


①F8 Tributo

法拉利F8 Tributo车型作为跃马品牌经典双座Berlinetta车型,其用中后置发动机布局,F8 Tributo用 V8发动机,其发动机最大输出功率可达720cv,功率系数高达185cv/l。

得益于V8发动机的性能,法拉利F8 Tributo车型拥有操控表现和驾乘舒适性。?


作为California T的继任车型,Portofino将法拉利的设计以及驾乘相结合,仅为3.级细分市场。全新法拉利Portofino所搭载的发动机最大功率达到600cv,百公里加速仅为3.5秒。






 1 Coca-Cola 可口可乐 美国 Live on the Coke Side of Life.

 2 IBM 美国 Solutions for a Small Planet.

 3 Microsoft 微软 美国 Your potential. Our passion.

 4 GE 通用电气 美国 Imagination at Work.

 5 Nokia 诺基亚 芬兰 Connecting People.

 6 Toyota 丰田汽车 日本 Moving Forward.

 7 Intel 英特尔 美国 Leap Ahead.

 8 McDonald?s 麦当劳 美国 I?m lovin? it.

 9 Disney 迪斯尼 美国 Where Dreams Come True.

 10 Google 谷歌 美国 Not do evil.

 11 Mercedes-Benz 奔驰 德国 The Future of the Automobile.

 12 Hewlett-Packard 惠普 美国 Invent.

 13 BMW 宝马 德国 The Ultimate Driving Machine.

 14 Gillette 吉列 美国 The Best a Man Can Get.

 15 American Express美国运通(金融) 美国 Do More.

 16 Louis Vuitton 路易威登 法国 The Spirit of Trel. (Epileather)

 17 Cisco 思科 美国 This is the power of the network. Now.

 18 Marlboro 万宝路 美国 Come to Marlboro Country.

 19 Citi 花旗(银行) 美国 The Citi Never Sleeps.

 20 Honda 宏达 日本 The Power of Dreams.

 21 Samsung 三星 韩国 Everyone?s Invited.

 22 H&M 瑞典

 23 Oracle 甲骨文 美国 Can?t Break It, Can?t Break In.

 24 Apple 苹果 美国 Think Different.

 25 Sony 索尼 日本 It?s a Sony.

 26 Pepsi 百事 美国 The Choice of the New Generation.

 27 HSBC 汇丰银行 英国 The World?s Local Bank.

 28 Nescaf? 雀巢咖啡 瑞士 Awaken Your Senses.

 29 Nike 耐克 美国 Just Do It.

 30 UPS 联合包裹(物流) 美国 Deliver More.

 31 SAP 思爱普(企业软件) 德国 The Best-run e-Businesses Run SAP.

 32 Dell 戴尔(电脑) 美国 Purely You.

 33 Budweiser 百威啤酒 美国 The King of Beers. (Budweiser. True)

 34 Merrill Lynch 美林证券 美国 is Bullish on America/Ask Merrill.

 35 Ikea 宜家 美国 Make a House a Home.

 36 Canon 佳能 日本 Image Anywhere.

 37 JPMorgan 摩根大通 美国 Your Choice. Your Chase.

 38 Goldman Sachs 高盛(投行) 美国 Our Client?s Interest Always Comes First.

 39 Kellogg?s(谷类食品) 美国 They?re Great!

 40 Nintendo 任天堂 日本 Who are you?

 41 UBS 瑞士联合银行 瑞士 You & Us.

 42 Morgan Stanley 摩根士坦利 美国 One Client at a Time.

 43 Philips 飞利浦 荷兰 Sense and Simplicity.

 44 Thompson Reuters 路透 英国 For People in the Know.

 45 Gucci 古驰 意大利 Quality is Remembered Long After the Price is Forgotten.

 46 eBay (电子商务) 美国 The Power of All of Us.

 47 Accenture 埃森哲(咨询) 百慕大群岛 High Performance, Delivered.

 48 Siemens 西门子 德国 Be Inspired.

 49 Ford 福特(汽车) 美国 Ford. Drive One.

 50 Harley-Didson哈雷戴维森(摩托) 美国 The Legend Rolls On?

 51 L?Oreal 欧莱雅 法国 Because you?re worth it.

 52 MTV 美国 Think MTV.

 53 Volkswagen 大众汽车 德国 Drivers wanted.

 54 AIG 友邦保险 美国 The Strength to Be There.

 55 AXA 安盛(保险) 法国 Be Life Confident.

 56 Heinz 亨氏食品 美国 57 Varieties. (Mine?s gotta he Heinz.)

 57 Colgate 高露洁 美国 The Colgate Ring of Confidence.

 58 Amazon 亚马逊在线 美国 A Real Company in a Virtual World.

 59 Xerox 施乐(办公) 美国 The Digital Document Company.

 60 Chanel 香奈儿 法国 Share the Fantasy.

 61 Wrigley?s 箭牌 美国 Double Your Pleasure.

 62 Zara 西班牙 We He a Dream.

 63 Nestle 雀巢 瑞士 Good Food. Good Life.

 64 KFC 开封菜? 美国 Finger Lickin? Good.

 65 Yahoo! 美国 Do you Yahoo?

 66 Danone 达能(食品) 法国 A Little Everyday Goes a Long, Long Way.

 67 Audi 奥迪 德国 Vorsprung Durch Technik.

 68 Caterpillar 美国 Earthmoving Solutions for Today?s Challenges.

 69 Avon 雅芳 美国 Let?s Talk.

 70 adidas 德国 Impossible is Nothing.

 71 Rolex 劳力士 瑞士 Perpetual spirit.

 72 Hyundai 现代 韩国 Drive your way.

 73 BlackBerry 黑莓 加拿大 Life on BlackBerry.

 74 Kleenex (面巾纸) 美国 It?s time to Let it Out.

 75 Porsche 保时捷 德国 There is No Substitute.

 76 Herm?s 法国

 77 Gap(休闲服) 美国 For Every Generation, There is a GAP.

 78 Panasonic 松下 日本 Just Slightly Ahead of Our Time.

 79 Cartier 卡帝亚(表) 法国 The Jeweller of Kings.

 80 Tiffany & Co.蒂芙尼(奢侈品) 美国 America?s House of Design since 1837.

 81 Pizza Hut 必胜客 美国 Great Pizzas. Great Times.

 82 Allianz 安联(保险) 德国 Financial Solutions from A to Z.

 83 Moet & Chandon 德国 L?esprit Mo? & Chandon.

 84 BP 英国石油 英国 Beyond Petroleum.

 85 Starbucks 星巴克 美国

 86 ING 荷兰国际集团(金融) 荷兰 Sing Feels Good.

 87 Motorola 摩托罗拉 美国 Intelligence Everywhere.

 88 Duracell 金霸王(电池) 美国 Lasts Longer, Much Longer.

 89 Smirnoff 伏特加(酒) 英国 There?s Vodka and Then There?s Smirnoff.

 90 Lexus 雷克萨斯(汽车) 日本 Pursuit of Perfection.

 91 Prada(奢侈品) 意大利

 92 Johnson & Johnson 强生 美国

 93 Ferrari 法拉利 意大利

 94 Armani 阿玛尼(时装) 意大利 Designs for the Face.

 95 Hennessy 轩尼诗(酒) 法国 The World?s largest stock of Eaux-de-vie.

 96 Marriott 万豪国际酒店集团 美国 Revive.

  Shell 壳牌石油 英国 You can be Sure of Shell.

 98 Nivea 妮维雅(护肤) 德国 Beauty is?

 99 FedEx 联邦快递 美国 The World On Time.

 100 Visa 维萨卡 美国 Life Takes Visa.



Ferrari is an Italian sports car manufacturer based in Maranello, Italy. Founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1929 as Scuderia Ferrari, the company sponsored drivers and manufactured race cars before moving into production of street legal vehicles in 1946 as Ferrari S.p.A.. Throughout its history, the company has been noted for its continued participation in racing, especially in Formula One racing, where it has largely enjoyed great success, especially during the 1950s, 1960s and late 1990s. After years of financial struggles the company joined the Fiat group during the 1990s in order to help ensure continued financial backing for the foreseeable future.



Enzo Ferrari never intended to produce road cars when he formed Scuderia Ferrari in 1929 as a sponsor for amateur drivers headquartered in Modena. Ferrari prepared and successfully raced various drivers in Alfa Romeo cars until 1938, when he was officially hired by Alfa as head of their racing department.

In 1940, upon learning of the company's plan to absorb his beloved Scuderia and take control of his racing efforts, he quit Alfa. Because he was prohibited by contract from racing for several years, the Scuderia briefly became Auto Avio Costruzioni Ferrari, which ostensibly produced machine tools and aircraft accessories. Also known as SEFAC Ferrari did in fact produce one racecar, the Tipo 815, in the non-competition period; it was thus the first actual Ferrari car (it debuted at the 1940 Mille Miglia), but due to World War II it saw little competition. In 1943 the Ferrari factory moved to Maranello, where it has remained ever since. The factory was bombed in 1944 and rebuilt in 1946 to include a works for road car production. Right up to Il Commendatore's death, this would remain little more than a source of funding for his first love, racing.

"Scuderia Ferrari" literally means "Ferrari Stable" in keeping with the prancing horse emblem; the name is figuratively translated as "Team Ferrari". (It is correctly pronounced "skoo deh REE ah".)


The first Ferrari road car was the 1947 125 S, powered by a 1.5 L V12 engine; Enzo reluctantly built and sold his automobiles to fund the Scuderia. While his beautiful and blazingly fast cars quickly gained a reputation for excellence, Enzo maintained a famous distaste for his customers, most of whom he felt were buying his cars for the prestige and not the performance. However, at one point, Enzo Ferrari's cars were exceeded in performance by the Spanish firm, Pegaso, which later went defunct.

Ferrari road cars, noted for magnificent styling by design houses like Pininfarina, he long been one of the ultimate accessories for the rich. Other design houses that he done work for Ferrari over the years include Scaglietti, Bertone, Touring, Ghia, and Vignale.

In 2005, 4 universities (Coventry University for one) were granted the grand offer to come up with the next vehicle line-up for Ferrari in a student competition named 'Ferrari Concepts of the Myth'. 20 winners were allowed to show off their concepts in a 1/4 scale model and present their work to the board and the compelling historic names at Ferrari to allow for 3 out right winners to he the chance at working in the Ferrari design studio there at Maranello.

As of 2004, FIAT owns 56% of Ferrari, Mediobanca 15%, Commerzbank 10%, Lehman Brothers 7%, and Enzo's son Piero Ferrari 10%.


Enzo Ferrari's true passion, despite his extensive road car business, was always auto racing. His Scuderia started as an independent sponsor for drivers in various cars, but soon became the Alfa Romeo in-house racing team. After Ferrari's departure from Alfa, he began to design and produce cars of his own; the Ferrari team first eared on the European Grand Prix] scene after the end of World War II.

In 1949, Luigi Chinetti drove a Model 166M to Ferrari's first win in motorsports, which was at the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Chinetti drove the automobile for all except twenty minutes of the Grand Prix race. Chinetti soon became the American dealer for Ferraris and established the North American Racing Team, Ferrari's official racing arm. The dealership is reported to he provided the sales that kept the company in business through sales to wealthy Americans, such as Briggs Cunningham, who bought the first one Chinetti sold through the new dealership.

The Scuderia joined the Formula One World Championship in the first year of its existence, 1950. José Froilán González ge the team its first victory at the 1951 British Grand Prix.

Alberto Ascari ge Ferrari its first Drivers Championship a year later. Ferrari is the oldest team left in the championship, not to mention the most successful: the team holds nearly every Formula One record. As of 2005, the team's records include four World Drivers Championship titles (1952, 1953, 1956, 1958, 1961, 1964, 15, 17, 19, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004), four World Constructors Championship titles (1961, 1964, 15, 16, 17, 19, 1982, 1983, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004), 179 Grand Prix victories, 3,445 and a half points, 544 podium finishes, 174 pole positions, 11,182 laps led, and 180 fastest laps in 1,622 Grands Prix contested.

Notable Ferrari drivers include Tazio Nuvolari, Juan Manuel Fangio, Luigi Chinetti, Alberto Ascari, Phil Hill, Olivier Gendebien, Mike Hawthorn, Peter Collins, John Surtees, Jacky Ickx, Mario Andretti, Niki Lauda, Jody Scheckter, Gilles Villeneuve, Gerhard Berger, Nigel Mansell, Alain Prost, Jean Alesi, and Michael Schumacher.

The "Callino Rampante"

The famous symbol of the Ferrari race team is a black prancing horse on yellow shield-shaped background, usually with the letters S F for Scuderia Ferrari, and with three stripes of the Italian national colors green-white-red on top. The road cars he a rectangular badge on the bonnet (see picture above).

Curiously, a similar black horse on a yellow shield is the Coat of Arms of the German city of Stuttgart. This name is derived from Stutengarten, an ancient form of the modern German word Gestüt, which translates into English as stud farm and into Italian as scuderia. Stuttgart, called Stoccarda by the Italians, is the home of Mercedes-Benz and Ferrari's rival Porsche, which also uses the Stuttgart sign in its corporate logo, centred in the emblem of the state of Württemberg just like the city is placed within the state. Enzo Ferrari met these compes many times since the 1920s while competing for Alfa.

On June 17, 1923, Enzo Ferrari won a race at the Sio track in Renna where he met the Countess Paolina, mother of Count Francesco Baracca, a legendary asso (ace) of the Italian air force and national hero during World War I, who used to paint a horse on the side of his planes. The Countess asked Enzo to use this horse on his cars, suggesting that it would grant him good luck. Ferrari left the horse black as it had been on Baracca's plane; however, he added a canary yellow background as this is the color of the city of Modena, his birthplace. It has been supposed the choice of a horse was perhaps partly because his noble family was known for hing many horses on their estates at Lugo di Romagna. Another theory suggests Baracca copied the rampant horse design from a shot-down German pilot who had the emblem of the city of Stuttgart on his plane. This is supported by the evidence Barraca's horse looks more similar to the one of Stuttgart (not changed since 1938) than the current Ferrari design, especially as the legs of the horses are concerned. Baracca using the Stuttgart horse from a shot-down plane ties in with the fact that his family owned many horses.

Ferrari used the callino rampante on official company stationery beginning in 1929. The first race at which Alfa Romeo would let Ferrari use the horse on the Alfas entered by his Scuderia Ferrari won the Spa 24 Hours on July 9, 1932, which the Ferrari-led Alfa team won. Ever since, the callino was shown on the Alfas that were competing against the Silver Arrows of Mercedes-Benz and Auto Union, among others.

The prancing horse has not always been uniquely identified with the Ferrari brand: Fabio Taglioni used it on his Ducati motorbikes. Taglioni's father was, in fact, a companion of Baracca's and fought with him in the 91st Air Squad. But, as Ferrari's fame grew, Ducati abandoned the horse; this may he been the result of a private agreement between the two brands.

The prancing horse is now a trademark of Ferrari. Yet, other companies use similar logos. One example is quite prominent next to roads in Austria and Eastern European countries, as an Austrian company, named "anti" ([1] since 12, operates over 100 filling stations marked with a prancing horse logo which is nearly identical to Ferrari's.

Rosso Corsa

Since the 1920s, Italian race cars of Alfa Romeo, Maserati and later Ferrari and Abarth were (and often still are) painted in "race red" (Rosso Corsa). This was the customary national racing colour of Italy, as recommended between the World Wars by the organisations that later would become the FIA. In that scheme, French cars like Bugatti were blue, German like BMW and Porsche white (since 1934 also Silver Arrows), British racing green etc.

Curiously, Ferrari won the 1964 World championship with John Surtees by competing the last two races in cars painted white and blue, as these were not entered by the Italian factory themselves, but the US-based NART team. This was done as a protest concerning arguments between Ferrari and the Italian Racing Authorities regarding the homologation of a new mid-engined Ferrari race car.

List of models

Until the mid-1990s, Ferrari followed a three-number naming scheme based on engine displacement:

V6 and V8 models used the total displacement (in decilitres) for the first two digits and the number of cylinders as the third. Thus, the 206 was a 2.0 L V6-powered vehicle, while the 348 used a 3.4 L V8.

V12 models used the displacement (in cubic centimetres) of one cylinder. Therefore, the famed 365 Daytona had a 4380 cc V12.

Flat 12 (boxer) models used the displacement in litres. Therefore, the 512BB was five litre flat 12 (a Berlinetta Boxer, in this case).

Most Ferraris were also given designations referring to their body style. In general, the following conventions were used:

M standing for "Modificata," this suffix is placed to the end of a model's number designation to denote that it is a modified version of its predecessor and not a complete evolution (see F512M and 575M Maranello).

GTB models are closed Berlinettas, or coupes.

GTS models, in older models, are convertibles (see 365 GTS4); however, in late models, this suffix is used for targa top models (see 348 GTS, and F355 GTS; exception being the 348 TS, which is the only targa named differently). The convertible models now use the suffix "Spider" (see F355 Spider, and Ferrari 360 Spider).

And the world in Italy, Lamborghini is a strange and mysterious to the birth of a surprise launch of a people and a staggering of the super sports car. Lamborghini can best represent the history of Rome in 2700, seven hill city of Rome was not built the city's defense, the expansion and the moment in the initial attack on the rally in the blood. Lamborghini Ferrari born is the enemy, but also doomed to all the world's super sports car is a strong opponent. It is the devil, but not to the rages of the world. It is Satan, because it is taking another type of line. It is the rare works of art around the world, Italy's most prestigious designers Gandini its efforts into life. Every corner, every line is so perfect, are almost silent Lamborghini original interpretation of the United States. How many people can not he it, because it is expensive to the point can not be imagined. It is high, breathing the rarefied air of the sky, attracting the eyes of admiration on the ground.

Lamborghini supercar, the Ferrari as a challenge to come to earth, and perhaps one day will be born with the mission to change, but the life extension for the same is absurd and unconscionable乖张. Such a merick sports car brand is the world for decades with the car chase scene the focus of adventure.




The two main model Lamborghini Countach and the Diablo, countach model in Geneva in 13 the first World Exposition of the meeting.

Lamborghini鲁吉欧charges after the war in Italy to create a series of tractors, oil burner and air-conditioning system, so as to set its own brand reputation, and in 1963 in Italy, Sant 'Agata depot set up their own. This is said to he a Lamborghini sports car fans and enzo ferrari intention (Enzo Ferrari) met for its products would like to mention some suggestions for improvement. However, Ferrari and a tractor has no intention of listening to the views of manufacturers. Although without research, this anecdote has been in the circle. The truth no matter how, one year after the first Lamborghini sports car - Lamborghini 350GTV - is ailable, and it marks a period of amazing success of the beginning of the road. No one can think of some of the world's future super-celebrities will be competing for the purchase of Lamborghini, he a long list of Frank Sinatra (Frank Sinatra) and Paul McCartney (Paul McCartney). All in all the times recorded in the annals of the most successful sports car are all contained in a Lamborghini sports car of the two well-known "Countach" and the "Miura".

Twists and turns through a series of frustrations, the fee鲁吉欧Lamborghini finally retire from the company in 12. Lamborghini (whether or company) has never been a lack of imagination, but it has been the lack of solid financial support. In fact, the Lamborghini of bankruptcy in 1980, Italy米兰姆businessmen brothers acquired the company. Later, Lamborghini has several owners, including Chrysler. But they did not show the true lovers of concern Lamborghini. In fact, Lamborghini and Audi has been deeply origin, their previous cooperation in the pursuit of aluminum chassis structure. This relationship was marriage success in 1998, joined the Volkswagen Group Lamborghini. The financial support of the Audi, Lamborghini has its own management team to operate. Under the management of the Audi plant in 2003, introducing the concept of the Murciélago and Gallardo.

The integration of this culture is not easy (full of exotic car manufacturers and a global automotive giant, a group with a group of passionate Italians and Germans proud). The result is a complete retrofit and rehabilitation of the Lamborghini. Audi can also he the ability to provide a large number of technical support, and the Volkswagen Group's financial support will allow Lamborghini to pursue the development of new products, it is impossible in the past.

Evidence of rehabilitation is obvious: after all these years, Lamborghini once on the introduction of two new models, factory facilities he been expanding and updating, the latest being the new Institute. In addition, the Lamborghini Museum also began to open the door. If you go to Modena, we will certainly be going to visit the Lamborghini museum.

"Audi history and culture" department Commissioner for the museum to highlight the theme of this exhibition came to adopt a new tactic. Key to display the current Murciélago and Gallardo sports car two after the launch, Lamborghini and its impact on the impact of present and future. Shown divided into four themes: the founder of charges including鲁吉欧Lamborghini introduced the background information; their job performance during the period; interspersed play the 20th century until the early 70s was in 1998 acquired a new chapter in the Audi. Tightly around the entire contents - " '奔牛' marks 40 years of wind and rain accompanied by Lamborghini" - the most memorable theme of the exhibition.

And the world in Italy, Lamborghini is strange that this person, the legend, and the poor. As a die-hard Ferrari fans, he also manufacturing tractors in 1959, at the same time also offering air-conditioning and radiator. Wanted to build a Lamborghini Aircraft Corporation, was the Italian refused. Lamborghini Super Ferrari fans is that he owns a Ferrari sports car four, of course, with his air-conditioned tractor radiator-earned money to buy the. Lamborghini Ferrari forite 250 of the failure, was looking for sports car manufacturer Ferrari gearbox problem complaints, refused. While angrily denouncing Ferrari Lamborghini father - enzo ferrari (Enzo Ferrari), enzo ferrari more must answer: do not need a tractor to tell me how to make a sports bar! (Early, like the Ferrari and now the哄哄MA牛逼, they put all the efforts on the car, the general civilian vehicle just to make money to subsidize R & D Racing, the Ferrari-level civilian control of the performance of the road in general, car owners do not satisfaction but did not dare complain, because it may be to prohibit the purchase of the Ferrari, it seems that everyone has the low ).

Nature of the Lamborghini孤傲respected by their own people by making a mockery of such a consequence is still serious: Treasures from the sale of its four视若Ferrari sports car and go bankrupt, "Lamborghini sports car manufacturer Co., Ltd." In the distance of both Ferrari Modena 15 km of the new Sant agata bolohgess.

On the means of the next Lamborghini - Ferrari and Maserati dug from a large number of people, including well-known贝萨里尼(Giotto Bizzarini), the designer of Ferrari 250GTO, he in the 20th century, the impact of the Italian car scene power even higher than the Enzo and佛瑞肯, he designed the 3.5-liter 360-horsepower V-12 engine has become the banner of Lamborghini Ferrari challenge.贝萨里尼enough personality that he renegade Ferrari enzo ferrari because he refused to allow the use of independent suspension, many years later is too late often enzo ferrari贝萨里尼of release!

October 26, 1963, Turin, Italy, auto show, Lamborghini launch of his first works 350GTV (chassis number 0100), speed 280 km / h, only one production. Finally, a devil was born, a devil take the independent route, the devil of the most prestigious Italian designers Gandini life into their efforts.

Mr. Lamborghini died in 1993.


费鲁吉欧·兰博基尼在意大利战后制造了一系列的拖拉机、燃油燃烧器及空调系统,从而为自己的品牌树立了声望,并于1963年在意大利Sant 'Agata 成立了自己的车厂。据说有一次兰博基尼这个跑车迷打算和恩佐·法拉利(Enzo Ferrari)会面,想对其产品提些改进建议。然而法拉利并无意听取一个拖拉机制造商的意见。虽未经考证,这则轶事始终在圈内流传。不论事实真相如何,一年后首款兰博基尼跑车——兰博基尼350GTV——面世了,它标志着一段令人称奇的成功之路的开始。没人能想到日后世界上的一些超级名流会竞相购买兰博基尼,长长的名册中有法兰克·辛纳屈(Frank Sinatra)和保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney)。所有记载各个时代最成功跑车的编年史中无一不载录了兰博基尼的两款著名跑车“ Countach”和“ Miura”。





在意大利乃至全世界,兰博基尼这个人是诡异的、的、可怜的。作为法拉利的铁杆车迷,他1959年还在制造拖拉机,同时还兼做空调和暖气片。兰博基尼本想建立一家飞机公司,被意大利严词拒绝。兰博基尼是法拉利的超级粉丝,他拥有四辆法拉利跑车,当然是用他生产拖拉机暖气片空调赚来的钱买的。兰博基尼最喜欢的法拉利250出了故障,遂找法拉利跑车制造公司投诉变速箱问题,遭拒。气愤之余兰博基尼声讨法拉利之父——恩佐法拉利(Enzo Ferrari),恩佐法拉利的答复更绝:用不着一个做拖拉机的来告诉我如何制造跑车吧!(早期的法拉利和现在一样马哄哄的牛逼,他们把所有的精力都放在赛车上,一般民用车只是为了赚钱来补贴赛车研发,民用级的法拉利路面操控性能一般,车主们不满意却不敢抱怨,因为这样可能会被禁止购买法拉利,看来都有贱性)。

生性孤傲的兰博基尼被自己所敬重的人如此嘲弄,后果还算严重:变卖了自己视若珍宝的四辆法拉利跑车并倾家荡产,“兰博基尼跑车制造股份有限公司”在距离法拉利之都Modena仅15公里的Sant agata bolohgess新建。

接下来兰博基尼就不择手段了——从法拉利和玛莎拉蒂挖了大批人才,包括著名的贝萨里尼(Giotto Bizzarini),法拉利250GTO的设计师,他在20世纪意大利车坛的影响力甚至高于恩佐和佛瑞肯,他设计的3.5升360马力的V-12发动机成为兰博基尼挑战法拉利的旗帜。贝萨里尼也够个性的,他叛离法拉利的原因是恩佐法拉利拒绝让他使用独立后悬挂,多年后恩佐法拉利对放走贝萨里尼追悔莫及!

